[Lazarus] Multilang application and syncing .po files

Tomáš Emresz tomas.emresz at strankysnadno.cz
Tue Jun 19 13:09:28 CEST 2018


i  have  done generating .po files, could translate it through PoEdit,
but  -  when  i add some RS or component, Lazarus update only main .po
file,  not  .cs.po etc. So could Lazarus update these files too, or is
there  any  merge tool for this ? Of course, I understand, that I must
translate  this  string  after,  but  this  time,  I  sync  this files
manually, which is bad.

Any idea ?


 Tomáš Emresz
 mailto:tomas.emresz at strankysnadno.cz

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