[Lazarus] MWA Software's Firebird Pascal API

vfclists . vfclists at gmail.com
Thu Dec 8 13:12:03 CET 2016

On 7 December 2016 at 11:09, Tony Whyman via Lazarus <
lazarus at lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> I've copied the following announcement to this list because of the
> discussions that took place earlier this year on use of Pascal Interfaces.
> The background for my interest in the subject was the development of this
> package and which I believe really does show the power of Pascal interfaces
> - for the package user. When I started developing this API, it was meant to
> be an internal interface to IBX2, but once developed it became clear that
> the use of interfaces had provided a powerful means to effectively embed
> SQL in a Pascal program with very little effort from the user. Hopefully,
> this package will be useful to others.
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FreePascal users rock!!

Frank Church

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