[Lazarus] Release 1.0, part 2

Florian Klaempfl florian at freepascal.org
Mon Nov 30 09:33:38 CET 2009

Tom Lisjac schrieb:
> In contrast, the lazarus-ccr has 56 packages at last count and
> Sourceforge shows 124 Lazarus and 432 Pascal projects. These small
> numbers provide an alarming perspective on the total Lazarus/FPC
> mindshare as Sourceforge also hosts 20,313 projects for Java, 14,645
> for php, 13,987 for C#/C++,  5,208 for Python and even 2,030 just for
> the Eclipse ide.

This is a very americanish view :) If I'd ever looked for job
opportunities, I'd never started to waste my time developing FPC (or any
other OSS) :)

> Sure
> enough, sometime during the Nov/Dec 2008 timeframe I got a compile
> error with the new version. 

svn trunk is supposed to change, the changes for release version are
always documented like here: http://wiki.freepascal.org/User_Changes_2.4.0

> I don't remember the details but found a
> small posting explaining that this was due to a permanent change in
> the scoping of inherited class variables "in this and future compiler
> versions". 

So this proves the point that a version number 1.0 wouldn't change
anything :) It was FPC which broke things apparently being at version 2.2.x.

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