[Lazarus] Problem with editor

Mattias Gärtner nc-gaertnma at netcologne.de
Tue Oct 7 11:38:52 CEST 2008

Zitat von Johann Spies <jspies at sun.ac.za>:

> I am a total newbie with Lazarus, but not to programming. I has been
> my hobby for years and I have at times played with Turbo Pascal, Dbase
> III+, Basic, Turbo Prolog, Python, Ruby, Ocaml and others.
> I have the following problem with Lazarus - illustrated by the
> following two lines.  The first was entered using vim, the second
> (using the same keystrokes) using the Lazarus IDE.  The second line
> would not compile.
>   Button1.caption := 'Press again';
>   Button1.caption := ´Press again´;
> I would like to know where I can set the preferences of the editor to
> correct this.

My first guess is, that you type the wrong keys and vim is fixing this
automatically and Lazarus does not.

What OS, lazarus version, widget set, window manager, language, keyboard layout
do you use?


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